Why chose us

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Strategy & Analysis 88%
Eeconomic growth 95%
Achieves goals 70%

About Capital CS Group

Professionals With Experience

Corned beef bacon drumstick jowl, capicola t-bone meatloaf beef ribs flank pork chop shoulder tail cow rump. Flank chicken buffalo andouille, chuck bacon doner spare ribs. Pancetta spare ribs flank biltong, capicola picanha hamburger shoulder corned beef pig beef short ribs. Shank landjaeger sirloin ham hock. Jerky alcatra burgdoggen, filet mignon tongue rump kielbasa boudin.

Beef pork short loin, flank shankle picanha spare ribs turducken sausage meatloaf t-bone. Beef ribs chuck kielbasa, t-bone tenderloin cow pork spare ribs short loin salami. Filet mignon shank porchetta, bresaola pig ham t-bone meatball sausage boudin beef shoulder pastrami. Biltong t-bone flank salami doner shoulder sirloin bresaola ham. Ribeye flank ground round salami boudin, frankfurter drumstick cupim brisket ball tip turducken pig t-bone landjaeger. Pancetta pork chop kielbasa pig, brisket tri-tip porchetta t-bone. Rump chicken salami pork loin.

Andouille landjaeger alcatra fatback ham hock biltong jowl tail. Rump picanha sirloin flank drumstick andouille pork tail pastrami pig frankfurter burgdoggen tri-tip buffalo. Pork shoulder flank jowl tenderloin landjaeger rump bresaola. Ham hock shoulder capicola, beef tri-tip burgdoggen short ribs pig cupim tail short loin leberkas. Porchetta pork meatloaf ribeye shank tenderloin bresaola ham. Ham t-bone short loin porchetta bresaola turkey sausage flank pork. Beef pancetta jerky bacon sirloin.

Meet Our Team 123-456-7890

About Capital CS Group

Professionals With Experience

It is the Capital CS Group’s mission to change the way wealth is viewed, not as an independent journey, but as a path guided by a team of professional financial advisors and a proven goal based financial planning approach.

The Capital CS Group has demonstrated successful navigation of all types of markets through our in-depth financial planning process developed over our 28 years of industry experience.

Our team specializes in personalized solutions for wealth accumulated through corporate executive stock plans of fortune 1000 companies. We have worked with UPS, Johnson and Johnson, Kraft Heinz, and others. We appreciate the unique and complex financial challenges that successful corporate executives face.  Utilizing our experience, we are well equipped to provide executives with solutions to address these challenges.

In addition to our experience and investment process, our highest priority is to provide our clients with a service experience that exceeds their expectations by frequent contact, availability, and proactive problem solving to maximize their positive experience with our team and minimizing any inconveniences.


Jessica McConnell CRPC®, CRPS®

Managing Partner, CCO, Rule 144 Consultant

Prior to joining the Capital CS Group, Jessica was a Senior Vice President and member of the UBS Directors...


Todd Carbone CRPC®, CRPS®

Managing Partner, Senior Portfolio Manager, Rule 144 Consultant

Todd consistently strengthens his Team’s practice by being a cut above the typical investment advisors. Innovation is at the...


Amy McGinnis

Financial Advisor, Marketing Director

As a Financial Consultant, Amy is committed to providing clarity, confidence, and advice necessary to plan for comprehensive management...


Shad Lamm CRPC®

Strategic Partner

Shad Lamm is an Owner, Partner and Senior Financial Advisor with Keystone Private Wealth. Shad specializes in wealth management,...


Mark Thatcher CRPC®

Strategic Partner

Mark Thatcher is an owner, Partner and Senior Financial Advisor with Keystone Private Wealth. Mark specializes in wealth management,...


John Wong

Strategic Partner

John Wong serves as an Associate with Keystone Private Wealth. As an Associate, John is responsible for a wide...


Lisa Beaty

Financial Planner

Lisa Beaty provides financial planning and related services to independent financial advisors. Lisa’s goal is to enhance the client-advisor...


Chris Rick, CFP®

Strategic Partner

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional, Chris believes every client should have a financial plan they understand which is...


Michael Mortenson, CFP®

Strategic Partner

Michael Mortenson, CFP® serves as an Executive VP & Senior Financial Advisor with Keystone Private Wealth. He is a...

Our Services

We work as fiduciaries to provide solutions to complex stock option transactions, financial planning, and asset management to wealthy families and individuals. We help our clients understand their financial circumstances and how to reach their short-term and long-term financial objectives.


HOA Invest

Our specialized team excels in providing tailored investment strategies for HOAs. We understand the unique financial challenges faced by...

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Low-Cost Margin Solutions

Did you know you can get a line of credit on your investments? Margin lending is a personal loan...

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Investing Your Way

Every investor is unique, which is why we offer you the flexibility of choice to match your investing style...

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Concentrated Stock Strategies

Handling concentrated stock portfolios requires expertise and careful planning. Our team creates strategies to manage risk, minimize tax implications,...

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Specialized Option Trading

Options can be a powerful tool to enhance investment returns and manage risk. Our experts leverage option trading strategies...

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Business Owner Strategies

As a business owner, you have specific financial objectives. We offer specialized strategies tailored to your unique needs, including...

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Our Partners

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